AmigaActive (1533/2143)

From:Roger Light
Date:23 May 2000 at 18:20:25
Subject:Re: Art School OT(What Software)

Steve Jordan wrote:
> >I thought it was where they teach a bunch of no talents to fake it,
> >and sell a pile of rubbish to the Tate gallery for 100,000.
> I do NOT consider half a preserved cow or a pile of 8x16x6 bricks to be
> 'ART'.!

Whilst I would agree with you, it was actually two halves of a cow. I
can't remember whether the calf was divided as well, but I suspect so.
The Mother and Calf Divided, if that's how it was called, was just a bit
of a pun really in my opinion.

It's art in as much as the people who make it are viewed by some to be
artists, much in the same way that anything some people did at school
was viewed as funny/clever by our peers whereas had I done exactly the
same thing I would have been mocked for it.

It's probably a good idea to stop this thread on that anyway ;)


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